1414: John Neuton and the Re-Foundation of York Minster Library

Acknowledgements (1)

We would like to thank the members of the project team: Bill Sherman (Victoria & Albert Museum and University of York), who initiated the project; Michele Campopiano; Sarah Griffin; Hannah Jeans (University of York Institute for the Public Understanding of the Past intern), who worked on the introductions to the various sections of the website; Paul Shields, who captured and edited most of the images; and Laura Slater, who copy-edited some of the texts. Particular thanks are due to Ian Hall, who co-ordinated and chaired the project meetings and supported the digital development of the resource; Julie Allinson, who managed the digital implementation of the project; and Fergus McGlynn and Matthew Herring for their hard work, patience and perseverance in making all of our ideas work in the form of a website.

We are grateful to several authors from outside the University of York - Rosamund Oates (Manchester Metropolitan University), Rodney M. Thomson (University of Tasmania), Nigel Ramsay (University of Exeter) and Rachel Backa (University of Aberdeen) - as well as to Sarah Brown, Claire Cross, Michele Campopiano, Hannah Jeans, Christopher Norton and Sarah Rees Jones for having provided contributions which are at the core of this resource. The reconstruction drawings of the Minster Library were prepared by Allan T. Adams, with input from Stuart Harrison (York Minster) and Christopher Norton.

The support of Liz Prettejohn and the funding of the History of Art Department at the University of York were crucial in realising the project; the reconstruction drawings have been fully funded by York Minster Fund and we are very grateful to Richard Shephard (York Minster) for his support. Thanks are also due to Kate Whitworth (York Minster), Sarah Brown, Christopher Norton and Bill Sherman for their support and advice in the realisation of the project.

Finally we would like to thank the Bodleian Library, Oxford; English Heritage; Peterhouse, Cambridge; and Trinity College, Cambridge for permission to use digital reproductions of items from their collections in this resource, as well as the Friends of York Minster and Sylvia Thomas for permission to include excerpts from the forthcoming new edition of the medieval fabric rolls of York Minster (to be published by York Archaeological Trust in 2018).

Hanna Vorholt (University of York) and Peter Young (York Minster)

(1) Except where indicated otherwise, individuals to whom acknowledgement is made are affiliated to the University of York.